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The IFTF Expo was a powerful reminder of the importance of human connection in business. While technology has revolutionized communication, it’s crucial to remember the value of face-to-face interactions. These personal encounters foster stronger relationships, build trust, and ultimately lead to more successful collaborations.

Meeting our clients in person at the IFTF Expo was way better than just chatting online. It was awesome to finally put faces to the names we’d been talking to for months. We got to really connect with them, hear about their projects in detail, and figure out how we could actually help them. It felt way more real than just sending messages back and forth.

One of the most unexpected highlights of our trip was the opportunity to visit several plant breeders in Aalsmeer. This was a completely new experience for me, and it provided a fascinating glimpse into the world of plant breeding.

It was incredible to see the dedication and passion these breeders had for cultivating new and improved plant varieties. We toured their greenhouses, learned about their breeding techniques, and even had the chance to see some of their latest innovations firsthand. It was a truly eye-opening experience, and it gave me a much deeper appreciation for the complexities of plant breeding.

Overall, it was a really valuable experience. We learned a ton and built some strong relationships with our clients and breeders. Definitely worth the trip!

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